If you are running KSP in a resolution different from your desktop resolution, you may have experienced that the game will occasionally reset to the desktop resolution, completely ignoring your in-game settings. This happens when the game is loading or switching between scenes. Especially if you are Alt-Tabbing or just accidentally pressing a key, clicking the mouse, etc., basically anything that can cause the game to lose focus or freeze for a while.
I couldn't find a working solution anywhere, but I found that many people have had similar issues for ages, so I want to share this mod.
Basically, this mod checks if the current game screen resolution doesn't match the in-game video settings and instantly sets it back.
Copy the ResolutionKeeper folder into GameData.
Compatible with AnyRes. I don't know if there are any other mods that could possibly interfere.
Raw stats are from the beginning of time until now. Each follower and download entry represents one hour of data. Uneventful hours are omitted.