This provides timers to both count down and count up. For both, you can either start at 00:00:00 or enter a starting time.
The default settings provides for one timer, but there is a toggle on the window and on the Settings page to allow multiple timers. When doing multiple timers, you can enter a name for it.
This is the timer with the Multiple option disabled:
This is with Multiple enabled, showing three timers. The top one is not running, the second is in a count-down mode and the third is in a count-up mode
Settings page:
Controls available are:
These timers are keeping track of game time. They work off of the KSP clock, and deal gracefully with both Time Warp and pausing the game
The toolbar button is available in the Space Center, Flight and Tracking Station screens, it looks like a stopwatch. You don't have to keep them visible, once you set the timers, you can hide them until you need to know what time they are at. Time will be kept, nothing will be lost. When ready, click the Start button of the timer you want to use
When using a countdown timer, the time will be displayed in red when the time gets below zero.
Raw stats are from the beginning of time until now. Each follower and download entry represents one hour of data. Uneventful hours are omitted.