Speed Unit Annex

Add (annex) some new speed unit and helpful value to the navball's top line, depending from navball mode and vesselType.

License: GPLv3

Game Version: 1.12.5

Source code: yalov/SpeedUnitAnnex

Downloads: 25,553

Author: flart

Mod Website: Forum Thread

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Followers: 85

Speed Unit Annex

The main xx.x m/s line is still there, the mod adds (annex) some new speed units and helpful values to the top line, depending from navball mode and the vesselType.
Configurable in the settings page (difficulty section).

Surface mode

  • Rover — km/h or mph
  • Boat/Submarine — knots
  • Airplane — Mach number or knots or km/h or mph
  • Airplane — IAS (Indicated AirSpeed)
  • Kerbal (EVA) — trait and name
  • All, except Rovers and Boats — Above Ground Level
  • While descending the color of the main speed become red (disabled by default)
  • Split speed to horizontal and vertical components (only descending landers by default)

Orbit mode

  • Kerbal (EVA) — trait and name
  • Ap and Pe (a little transparent for an unstable orbit — Apsis < R_atm or Apsis > R_soi)
  • Time to the next Ap/Pe (А-4.5d — four and a half days until Apoapsis)

Target mode

  • A distance to target
  • A target vessel/celestial body name
  • A target docking port Roll
  • Target docking port angles (yaw, pitch and roll — disabled by default)
  • Two decimal digit for low target speed
  • While retrograde to target, the color of speed become red (disabled by default)
  • Split speed into 2 components: prograde/retrograde to target, and leftover (disabled by default)

Disabled by default:

|        IAS             | Time to next Ap/Pe | Target docking port angles:


Sometimes KSP doesn't recognize vessel type correctly, so select it manually in the VAB/SPH or the Flight Scene.

Also the mod supports the HUDReplacer's ztheme.

Boat            is SPLASHED Plane or SPLASHED Rover above -20m
Submarine is SPLASHED Plane or SPLASHED Rover below -20m
Rover          is non-SPLASHED Rover or LANDED Plane
Airplane     is non-SPLASHED Plane and non-LANDED Plane


KottabosGames (v0.9.7)


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